About Radical Nature


  • Are rocks conscious? Do animals and plants have souls?
  • Do worms or insects feel pain and pleasure?
  • Can trees feel anything at all?
  • Ever wonder where in the great unfolding of evolution consciousness first appeared?

If questions like these intrigue you, you are in good company because they touch on the deepest mystery in modern philosophy, science, and spirituality: How are minds and bodies related? How does consciousness fit into the physical world?

These are not just idle speculations of philosophers. How we answer such questions can dramatically affect the way we live our lives, how we treat the world of Nature, and even how we relate to our own bodies.

In Radical Nature, philosopher and author Christian de Quincey, Ph.D., explores how mind and matter are related, and he proposes a radical and surprising answer: Consciousness goes all the way down! Not only do animals have minds or souls, but so do plants, even single cells like bacteria . . . all the way down the “great chain of being” as far as molecules, atoms, and beyond.

Based on both ancient and modern knowledge, Professor de Quincey shows us how nature teems with consciousness through and through. “Matter itself tingles with the spark of spirit,” he says, “and therefore nature, in all its forms and glory, is sacred to its deepest roots.”

Radical Nature takes you on a mind-stretching journey into the world of philosophy in search of an answer to the deepest mystery of all time: How does consciousness light up the world around us? Christian de Quincey tells a remarkable story of philosophy and science in search of a soul.