Holmes Institute: Testimonials
In my experience, you are the best kind of instructor—intellectually stimulating, honest, encouraging, kind, and very patient. I thank you for an amazing class experience.
—Angelo Allen, “Mind in the Cosmos”
Thank you for this incredible course. I have been inspired and enlightened and have really enjoyed the content. It was a lot to ponder and I appreciate your intense research and thought-out presentation. With appreciation and blessings . . .
—Abigail Schairer, “Mind in the Cosmos”
Wow! What an exciting adventure this class has been! I will reread your books and use them often in the future as valuable references. The panpsychist view has broadened my perceptions in a remarkable way. Your comments were clear and an opportunity to understand the material on a deeper level. Thank you for taking the time to share and teach.
—David Stork, “Mind in the Cosmos”
Thank you so much for this very expansive and informative view of philosophy. This course has charged me to think more inclusively and to become more aware of my obligation towards this planet and to all other life forms. I am inspired by your presentation and your consistency.
—Les DeMarco, “Mind in the Cosmos”
Thank you so much for an enlightening class. This has been one of my favorite classes in Holmes Institute, and I will carry its questions forward into my life after I graduate. I trust you will continue to engage students in years to come and prepare them for a life of reflection and questioning the status quo and its calcified ideas of what is and must always be. Again, a sincere thank you for the course.
—Ross Foti, “Mind in the Cosmos”
This was one of the deepest and most personally transformative classes of my four years with Holmes!
—Linda Anguiano, “Mind in the Cosmos”
Dr. deQuincey is a wonderful teacher . . . I LOVED this class and it had a profound impact on me! Although the material was new to me and somewhat challenging to grasp, as I delved into the study material, sat with the concepts being shared, asked questions and pondered the answers that bubbled up from within . . . I was able to get what was mine to get and communicate it in a fairly clear way through my papers! The result was an expanded awareness and appreciation for all of life and most especially for rocks!! (do rocks think??!!)
—Willa Barber-Johnson, “Mind in the Cosmos”
The ideas presented in “Mind and the Cosmos” are the closest I have come to believing in a way of experiencing peace on Earth. Thank you for your knowledge, expertise, and amazing insight into the realm of consciousness and all that it entails!
—Cristina Evans, “Mind in the Cosmos”
Thank you for your patience and understanding this term. I also wish to thank you for this most wonderful class and the work you are doing. It has been quite enlightening and thought provoking!
—Claudia Tambur, “Mind in the Cosmos”
Thank you for a wonderful course. I thoroughly enjoyed all of the reading, the lectures, the slides, the conference calls and the homework. Thank you for sharing your insight, wisdom, and passion. I tell everyone I meet to read Deep Spirit.
—Dusty Rippelmeyer, “Mind in the Cosmos”
I just want to express my appreciation—for a rich, rich conference call. I am finding this class to be the most engaging and expansion-provoking of any I have taken in this program thus far. I love the conversation, am learning so much, and am so grateful for the many clear examples and frameworks provided that articulate what I have sensed/felt at a deep level, and of which I have become increasingly aware in the last decade, yet have been unable to adequately describe or articulate. Thank you—I am grateful for the opportunity to engage with you and your work.
—Kathy Young, “Mind in the Cosmos”
I am deeply thankful and appreciative for this wonderful class and all that it has brought to me! I’m clear that many of the concepts I learned here I will take into my ministry. I am most grateful for the important work you are doing in the world.
—Shannon O’Hurley, “Mind in the Cosmos”
This was an incredible class and I enjoyed it very much. I could have sat all year and listened to this class because there is just so much to absorb and relate to—it was incredible. Thank you for a great class. I plan to read your books again and again.
—Donna Smith, “Mind in the Cosmos”
I know that what I’ve garnered from this course will serve me well. It is all so very interesting. It has truly expanded my mind. I liken the experience to a welcomed stretch, much like getting up from the couch after a long afternoon reading a good novel or watching an excellent movie
—Steve Rambo, “Mind in the Cosmos”
Great class, it kicked my ass. Your work is wonder-full, meaning-full, and a gift to the planet! . . . This class has had a huge impact on me, my life, and my ministry.
—Colin King, “Mind in the Cosmos”
I have truly enjoyed this course. I think this really gets to the core issue of consciousness and makes us think. I am honored to have studied under you.
—Don Fleming, “Mind in the Cosmos”